Why “Building”? Why not “Creating” or “Designing”? Building feels like the better verb here, because although this is the first map I’ve made, it felt like I was building a house. It has foundations, structure and decoration. So the analogy stands. It also feels like a good way to explain what I did, starting from the ground up, as it were.


  1. An introduction to the world of Rengas
  2. Preparation and toolkit
  3. Research
  4. Foundations
  5. Structure
  6. Decoration
  7. Exporting and filetypes

1. An introduction to the world of Rengas

If you've landed here without knowledge of my book, fear not. I've tried to make this guide as general as possible, although I do use examples of how specifically Rengas came to be and how I built it. Either way, you can find the book here. Briefly though, I wrote my debut novel over 7 years, due to a multitude of reasons, so the details of the world I had created were able to marinate for for a long time. It helped me find a way to knit the story into the world very literally, as the main character's heritage is to do with navigation. The main antagonists the Bohr want to conquer the lands they have yet to reach, and so maps in this world are revered and rare. Rengas is [...] Read full article

Ringlander Audiobook – a snippet

in Audiobook on Mar 9th, 2024 | 1 minute read

Listen to Ringlander: The Path and the Way audiobook. Available now on Audible. This is a snippet of Chapter 2 “All for Show” narrated by the wonderful Ulf Bjorklund.

Finding a lump

in General on Jun 3rd, 2023 | 9 minute read

I found a lump in a delicate place and it led me through a series of awkward events. I’m here to talk about them in the hope that if you, dear reader, ever find anything suspect anywhere on your body that you get it checked out, regardless of how awkward you expect it to be.

Why “Building”? Why not “Creating” or “Designing”? Building feels like the better verb here, because although this is the first map I’ve made, it felt like I was building a house. It has foundations, structure and decoration. So the analogy stands. It also feels like a good way to explain what I did, starting from the ground up, as it were.

June 2021 update

in General on Jun 19th, 2021 | 3 minute read

A round up of all things June related, some cool things, some amazing things. Some downright unbelievable things.


To the uninitiated the web can be like a demon, long nails, rubber teeth… No wait. That’s a Buffy the Vampire Slayer demon. A real demon is an entity you do not know how to work with, it sucks the life out of you and before you know it your soul is gone and…Too far. The demon analogy sucks. You’re here because you want to know what the hell the web is all about.

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